BODEGA LABIANO was founded in 1.925, still owned by the founding family. It is located on the way to the Atuel Canyon in San Rafael, Mendoza (Argentina). It is surrounded by some of the firm’s vineyards and with a structure that flawlessly blends history and new technologies.

The winery is a company of constant growth. Grapes emerge in a large percentage of our vineyards, which will later become wines with remarkable characteristics.

With exports to the United States, China, France, Russia and other countries, the reception of more than ninety thousand people in the winery itself per year and a wine club that grows day by day, Bodega Labiano is positioned as one of the wineries of Mendoza’s greatest success.
Bodega Labiano has approximately 20 hectares of this grape. Its cultivation has spread successfully in Argentina, occupying 38,486 Has. in 2014. It is the most cultivated variety in Argentina, this country being the world’s leading producer of Malbec, followed by France. The 86% of the Argentine Mabec is found in the Province of Mendoza.
Bodega Labiano has approximately 10 hectares of this ancient variety. The origin of this strain is surrounded by controversies and doubts. One of the this is that it comes from the Persian city of Shiraz, from where the crusaders would have taken it to Gaul. Some people say that it comes from Syracuse, in Sicily.
Bodega Labiano has 15 hectares of this variety implanted. It is a grape with an intense color, small berries and thick skins that produces elegant, rich and sensual wines.
Bodega Labiano has approximately 5 hectares of this variety. It belongs to the same family as Cabernet: Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon. The name comes from the French diminutive of blackbird, probably due to the similarity with its black and purple plumage.
Export Department
Bodega Labiano